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Featured user: @dianakh

Featured user @dianakh on

Our featured user this week is Diana, but you may know her as @dianakh. Her real-life job is in the art world, and it brings a unique creative element to her designs.

Below, you’ll find her full Q&A + a few of our favorite @dianakh sets. 



When you start a new design, where do you begin? What is the first thing on your canvas?

I start by uploading a photo of the look I want to create, and after that I place it on canvas. 

Describe your style in three words:

Minimalism, neutral, feminine 

How do you decide what to wear each day?

I usually have one week plan 

If you had to choose one thing to wear with every outfit for a week, what would it be?

I always wear Cross, I’m Christian.

When you design your sets, do you have yourself in mind or someone else?

I try to create something that I would wear myself 

Are there any ShopLook users that inspired your work?

All the users I’m following 

What advice would you give to someone looking to improve their creative process?

To be themselves 

Fun fact that others might not know about you?

I’m polyglot

What is your job in real life?

I’m an art historian (critic)

What brought you to ShopLook and what keeps bringing you back?

I saw my sets in polyvore’s pinterest and missed making them. Supportive users keep me coming back.

How long have you been designing sets?

I started from polyvore, 7 years


Be sure to to follow @dianakh on ShopLook for outfit inspiration, and come back next week to meet another featured user!


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